ConsultingHQ Training Programmes

What programmes are available

Full-Spectrum HR Training

Category: Managing Resources

Available in all NZ regions/cities.

Service Overview

This training is suitable for business owners and managers that look after teams, therefore require a higher level of understanding and skills around human resources, employment legislation, personality types, recruitment and inductions. This covers everything from A-Z around recruiting, documenting, inducting, retaining and understanding Employment Legislation. Follow up support available for participants.

Service description

Through a series of coaching sessions (4-12 sessions) owners and or / business managers are trained on a variety of HR related matters. This includes (and is not limited to) the below list.

Effective Selection Training (Recruitment A-Z). Outcome: Understand the entire recruitment process and the importance of each stage.

  • HR Documentation Training. Outcome: Understand all of the necessary documents and processes involved in an effective recruitment process.
  • Interview Training. Outcome: Provides managers with a good understanding of how to prepare for and conduct an effective interview- saving time and money.
  • Induction Training. Outcome: Understand how to create a department specific induction for your business.
  • Psychometric Profiling Training. Outcome: Understand how to undertake and interpret the ideal profile for a particular role or project.
  • Employment Legislation Training. Outcome: Understand your rights as an employer under the Employment Relations Act

This is our most flexible HR Support arrangement. The level of training required is dependent on the skills and knowledge / experience of the owners/ business managers and also the stage the business is at. After the sessions are completed, a written report is provided outlining the tasks to be implemented. Sessions can last between 1-3 hours and can be provided for 4-12 sessions, depending on the needs of the business and its team. Email and phone / zoom support is also available.

The learning outcomes include a clear plan moving forward for the participants, immediate support and an improved knowledge / skill in planning, HR and Employments Legislations.

This programme is currently registered with the Management Capability Development Fund. Find out more by visiting

The hourly rate $240 per hour excluding GST*. ConsultingHQ is a registered service provider under the ownership of People Inc Limited.

*Disbursements will be discussed and agreed with the client at the time of the assignment.

Developing a Strategic HR Plan

Category: Managing Resources

Available throughout New Zealand.

Service Overview

Is your business looking to grow? Do you need targeted training and support to create your HR plan so you are not just focusing on customers and financials? We have helped growing businesses ensure the right structures, capabilities and focus to maximise fulfilling their growth plans. Don’t delay, this is the best programme you will find out there and we cannot recommend it enough!

Service description

This training is designed for business owners and their senior teams who want to develop a tailored HR Plan to deliver to their business goals. The programme is an intense look at what and how the business delivers through it’s leadership team capability. We complete an HR Assessment with the senior team, a satisfaction survey to understand key people drivers in your business and come out with an agreed documented HR annual Plan with timeframes and clear activities defined. You will also have a clear capability development plan for your leadership team.

Management Capability Outcomes

The business owner / business managers will learn how to:

  • Understand the People Growth levers in your business
  • Better Communicate & Define the role of your senior team
  • Better engage and align your organisation to work towards your organisational goals
  • Tailored development plan for senior leader(s), enabling them to deliver to the plan
  • Coaching will upskill the Owner/Director to be able to update your plan annually with input from your team ongoing

This programme will be delivered remotely over a 6 week timeframe, with a mixture of 2 x training online workshop for up to 4 senior business leaders, 1:1 teams/zoom coaching meetings including a tailored development session*. Senior leaders will need to commit 10 hours to complete this programme.

Hourly Rate: Fixed Cost - $10,000 excluding GST.

*Disbursements will be discussed and agreed with the client at the time of the assignment.

Leadership for Business Owners

Category: Leadership – For Business owners

Available throughout New Zealand.

Service Overview

You have built your business from the ground up and you have invested time, energy and resources to make it successful. But you have forgotten one important person to develop – you! This programme is designed for small to medium business owners who want to improve their business performance by becoming the best leader they can be. This 1:1 training and coaching will cover effective leadership communication, how to be a good coach to your senior team, effective delegation and developing your skills in working a higher percentage ‘on’ the business than ‘in’ the business.

Service description

This training is designed for business owners who want to invest in themselves by leveraging their success and building their leadership toolkit to deliver even better business outcomes.

Management Capability Outcomes

The business owner / business managers will learn how to:

  • Understand your own leadership style and how to share this with others
  • Be a better, more effective communicator in all areas of business
  • Use your strengths to engage and align your organisation to work towards your organisational goals
  • Have a leadership toolkit to apply in your organisation
  • Coaching to upskill you to feel confident putting the tools into practice
  • Clear coaching templates to develop your own team ongoing
  • Tailored development plan for you to embed your learning over the coming 12 months

This programme will consist of 4 x 2 hour online training workshops with 2 x 1 hour development sessions. Business Owners will need to commit 10 hours to complete this programme over 6-8 weeks

Hourly Rate: Fixed Cost - $3,600 excluding GST.

Essentials for SME Managers

Category: Managing Resources

Available throughout New Zealand.

Service Overview

Direct Line Managers set the expectations in your company – how they lead their teams is critical to overall performance . Have you been looking for a programme that understands that they manage and do and therefore they can’t take off large chunks of time to learn, in fact, they can’t be missed for more than a few hours! This course is specifically designed in 2 hour segments to ensure they can learn about effective team leadership and then go and put it in practice.

Service description

This training is ideal for Direct Line Managers and team leaders in your organisation to provide a consistent leadership framework that works in the real world. Practical learning blocks of 2 hours online with a highly experienced HR Practitioners with assigned projects to embed learning. Learning through overcoming shared challenges and real world examples are what makes this program so valuable.

Management Capability Outcomes

Participants will learn how to:

  • Understand how the role of team leader sets the tone of the team
  • Be a better, more effective communicator - both in your team and to your manager
  • Have a framework to train, develop and recognise your team for better performance
  • Understand the basic HR essentials to make the most of your limited time
  • Take away a Manager toolkit to apply in your organisation and coaching to upskill you to feel confident putting the tools into practice.
  • Tailored development plan for you to embed your learning over the coming 12 months

This programme will consist of 4 x 2 hour online training workshops with 2 x 1 hour development sessions. Managers will need to commit 10-15 hours to complete this programme over 8 weeks.

This programme is currently registered with the Management Capability Development Fund. Find out more by visiting

Hourly Rate: Fixed Cost - $2,500 per person excluding GST.

Employer HR Compliance

Category: Managing Resources

Available throughout New Zealand.

Service Overview

Ever wondered if you are doing the right thing? What are your obligations as an owner/manager and how do you ensure you don’t have any costly Personal Grievances or disruptive staff members derailing others or putting off clients? This course will help you navigate the complexities of dealing with staff with ease.

Service description

This course gives you all of the principles and working examples of best HR practice with real world experience. We don’t just tell you the legislation or theory, we tell you how you put this into your business practices. You will know how and what to do if those tricky situations come up, but better yet, you will be able to prevent things from escalating by doing the right thing early on.

Management Capability Outcomes

The business owner will learn how to:

  • Understand the Employment Relations and Human Rights Act and what you need to consider in your dealings with the team
  • Template Recruitment/Induction/performance management/exit interviews.
  • Reflect on what best practice looks like across Recruitment, Induction (90 day trials/probationary periods), Performance Management and departing employees with recommended tailoring to your business

This programme will consist of 10 hours of online training over 10-12 weeks. Business owners/senior leaders will get the opportunity to implement best practice resources.

Hourly Rate: Fixed Cost - $3,000 excluding GST.

Performance Appraisals for growing businesses

Category: Managing Resources

Available throughout New Zealand.

Service Overview

Are you looking for a simple way to manage your team and keep them focussed on the right business activities to achieve your business goals? Often we rely on informal feedback and discussions to progress performance and this works when your team is small, but when things start growing and consistency of expectations and developing your team for more responsibility is needed, you should be considering formal performance appraisals for your team. You will both appreciate the opportunity to review and set clear expectations moving forward.

Service description

This course gives you a simple, clear performance framework customised to your business. It will help you create position descriptions with KPI’s (if you don’t have them), or use your current PD’s to tailor a best practice performance appraisal framework. It will train up to 4 managers in your business on the best way to manage performance reviews and ensure you have training and development plans in place for your people. We have done all the hard work, you just need to make the framework your own and work with our experienced consultants to know how to customise this to your business.

Management Capability Outcomes

The business owner/managers you will learn how to:

  • Create up to date job descriptions and KPI’s
  • Tailor a template Performance Appraisal Framework to your business with our expert advice
  • Run effective performance meetings including development and training plans for your team
  • Document and track performance expectations and reviews over the year

Hourly Rate: $240 per hour excluding GST.

Intro to Workforce Planning

Category: Managing Resources

Available in all NZ regions/cities.

Service Overview

Ever wondered what it would be like to have a clear plan on resourcing for the year to meet your business objectives? Want to be able to recruit in advance and have your team feel well resourced and know you will be able to deliver to your client expectations? Look no further, this programme is for you.

Service Description

From this one day workshop, you will learn how to Identify staffing requirements, how to review current staffing numbers and skill sets through one to one meetings, how to identify future staffing needs, how to create and update an organisational chart, how to create an HR action plan to reflect your findings, and how to review existing PD’s in the 121’s with team members. You will learn how to run one-to-one meetings on an as needs basis that will assist you to plan and monitor your existing team’s progress, their feedback, and the business’s needs.

Two half-day workshops – costs $2500 excluding GST

*Disbursements will be discussed and agreed with the client at the time of the assignment.

HR Planning Session

Category: Managing Resources

Available throughout New Zealand.

Service Overview

Having a good team and sound HR processes can make a world of difference to your work life. When your team is motivated, focused, and productive, you can focus on growing your sales and tending to your customers. However, when your team is in disarray, all the focus gets taken away from customers and you end up dealing with a constant stream of internal issues. The result: customers leave. Sales fall. Profits reduce. You’re stressed out, and working longer hours than ever. Whilst it’s possible to avoid many of those HR headaches with good processes in place, the problem is that it’s hard for a business owner to pinpoint what’s wrong, and what needs to be fixed, and it’s even harder for business owners to build a team that will help them achieve their future business goals. Most of us just aren’t wired to think that way.

Service Description

With our expert guidance you will complete an analysis of your existing team and team performance and get clarity on where your business is heading and the team required to make that happen. You will be supported to ensure team targets, KPIs, plus incentives are in place. And importantly you will develop a plan to communicate and engage with team members.

The cost of the 3 hour online or face to face HR Planning session is $720+GST. This is a one-on-one training course.

*Disbursements will be discussed and agreed with the client at the time of the assignment.

Effective Inductions for Business Owners & Managers

Category: Managing Resources

Available throughout New Zealand.

Service Overview

Staff inductions are designed to provide new recruits with the information they need, as well as getting them up to speed on how the organisation works as fast as possible without cutting corners. Induction programmes are vital to ensuring that new staff are productive as quickly as possible, the information they receive is accurate, they begin their new role with good habits, and it can help them to feel happier settling in ensuring they become a loyal and productive member of your business.

Service Description

The objective of the Effective Induction training module is to provide business owners/managers with the knowledge and confidence to develop and implement an effective induction and training programme. This training module will provide an introduction to the core components of an effective induction training process.

Business Capability Outcomes:

  • Business owners/managers will understand how to create an Induction Plan and Training Register for a new employee.
  • Be confident in implementing an induction and training plan including the follow up with participants.
  • Easily make adjustments to the plan based on participant’s feedback.
  • Train other key members of staff on how to follow an induction plan.

Topics covered:

  • The purpose of an Induction Plan.
  • Core components of an Induction Plan.
  • Identifying individual’s specific training needs and who in the business is responsible for their training in various topics.
  • Developing a comprehensive induction plan and training register.
  • The implementation of the induction process and training register.
  • Induction training review and feedback.
  • Induction plan feedback from participants.

Following the training business owners/managers will:

  • Create an Induction Plan and Training Register for new employee.
  • Be confident in implementing an induction and training plan including the follow up with participants.
  • Easily make adjustments to the plan based on participant’s feedback.
  • Train other key members of staff on how to follow an induction programme.

Training can be delivered one on one or in a group setting, in person or remotely via Teams/Zoom. The training consists of a 3 hour session and a 1 hour follow up coaching session. Cost is $1,200 excl GST per person*.

*Disbursements will be discussed and agreed with the client at the time of the assignment.

Effective Selection

Category: Managing Resources

Available New Zealand wide.

Service Overview

This covers how to create an effective selection and recruitment process that will attract the right people for the role each and every time. This is a must have for business owners and managers who want to learn and implement an effective recruitment process within their business.

Service Description

This training will provide a comprehensive understanding of the entire recruitment and selection process.

Business Capability Outcomes:

  • Understand job analysis and design to support a successful attraction and selection process.
  • Utilise effective attraction strategies in the current competitive market for talent.
  • Learn how to conduct a thorough and detailed selection process.
  • Understand employment law relating to recruitment.

Topics covered:

  • Job Analysis- Determining the right type of person for the role.
  • Job Descriptions- Create a well written job description that outlines key accountabilities within the role.
  • Person Specifications- Outline the skills, qualifications and behaviour that are crucial to the success of this role.
  • Advertising - Write an effective Job Advertisement. Advertisement options available and are specific in targeting your ideal employee.
  • Screening Applicants- How to screen applicants and create a short list.
  • Application Forms- What to include to protect yourself and why use them.
  • Interviewing- Prepare and run a structured interview, generic and competency-based questions, and what you cannot ask.
  • Pre-Employment testing- The options available.
  • Psychometric Assessments- What are these and what do they cover.
  • Workplace simulations - Importance in testing an applicant’s potential before hiring.
  • Reference Checking- What to ask referees to assess applicant’s suitability.
  • Employment Agreements- Chose the correct agreement and important clauses to include to protect yourself.
  • Employee files- What is required legally.

This 2 day workshop has flexible training options, delivered in person or remotely via Team/Zoom, and either one on one or in a group setting. Cost is $5,500 excl GST with up to 6 attendees*.

*Disbursements will be discussed and agreed with the client at the time of the Recruitment Roadmap Template – a template outlining the entire recruitment process from start to finish with reference to all templates used throughout the process.

Interview Like an Expert

Category: Managing Resources

Available Nationwide.

Service Overview

A well-structured and organised interview process is one of the most important aspects of a successful recruitment process. Taking the time to ensure everything is prepared well in advance will save time and money. Are you interviewing effectively, and do you feel you are objective to each and every applicant, bringing the best talent into your business?

Service Description

Ideal for business owners, managers and leaders involved in recruitment. This session will teach you how to set up an effective interview process, all of the documentation required and what to do at each and every stage of the process. You will also learn about legislation relating to the recruitment process and how to select the best person with the best skillset for the job.

Business Capability Outcomes:

  • Conduct an effective, non-discriminatory interview process from start to finish
  • Understand and utilise the STAR interview method.
  • Complete a thorough post interview process

Topics covered:

  • How to plan and prepare for an interviewing process.
  • What is required to run an effective process.
  • Gathering and reviewing relevant information.
  • The most suitable interview format for specific roles.
  • Interview structure from start to finish.
  • Generic and Competency based interview questions- the value in getting these right.
  • What you cannot ask in an interview-discrimination.
  • Application forms and authorisation forms.
  • How to conduct an interview-what to look out for, warning signs and probing.
  • Using the STAR interview method to get the best results.
  • Managing the interview.
  • Post interview- what to do now.
  • Pre-employment testing-recommended testing specific to various types of role.
  • Reference checking-how to conduct a thorough reference check.
  • Advising applicants of their suitability.
  • Offering employment.

This service consists of a 2 hour training session and a 1 hour follow up coaching session. Offering flexible training options, one on one or in a group, and delivered in person or remotely via Zoom. Cost is $1200 excl GST per person*.

*Disbursements will be discussed and agreed with the client at the time of the assignment.

Workforce Planning & effective Organisation Structure

Category: Managing Resources

Available Nationwide.

Service Overview

From this one day workshop you will learn how to Identify staffing requirements, how to review current staffing numbers and skill sets through 121's, how to identify future staffing needs, how to create and update an organisational chart, how to create an HR action plan to reflect your findings, and how to review existing Position Descriptions in 121's with team members.

Service Description

You will learn how to:

  • run 121's on an as needs basis that will assist you to plan and monitor your existing teams progress, their feedback, and the business’s needs.
  • ensure your organisational structure is aligned to your business objectives and how to progress towards alignment of your structure to your strategy.

One day workshop.

ConsultingHQ is a registered service provider under the ownership of People Inc Limited.

This workshop can be in person or online*.

Price: $3,000 excluding GST

*Disbursements will be discussed and agreed with the client at the time of the assignment.

Effective 121's for team morale and engagement

Category: Managing Resources

Available Nationwide.

Service Overview

If you are looking for a way to run effective 121's to increase team engagement and morale this coaching will be suitable for you.

Service Description

In this group or one to one coaching session you will learn how to create a template which you can present to your team to gain their input and feedback into how they feel they are in their role, their thoughts on current systems and structure in the business, what their strengths and areas of development are and what they would like to learn more about in their role. You will learn how to ask particular probing questions (depending on your needs) and how to take feedback on board from team members. At the end of the 121's with your team you will be able to action some of their feedback points and feel confident that you have team buy in.

Management Capability Outcomes:

  • Understand how to tailor specific questions for each of your team members to help best run a 121 session.
  • How to effectively structure a 121 with a team member.
  • How to coach a team member that is having difficulty expressing themselves.

This service is ideal for business owners and managers and can be delivered in person or remotely via Teams/Zoom. The time commitment is 4 to 12 hours and cost ranges from $960 - $3,000 excl GST*.

*Disbursements will be discussed and agreed with the client at the time of the assignment.

To make a booking or to find out more, please contact Tanya Gray on 027 621 6111 or to discuss your training needs.