Even though they’re often referred to as 90-day trials, the trial period can be for a shorter duration of time of your choosing. But the exact time period needs to be clearly stated in the Employment Agreement.
Also, just because an employee is on a 90-day employment trial doesn’t mean other employer responsibilities can be avoided. Employers still have the same responsibility to the worker on a trial period of employment as to other employees.
“ConsultingHQ has assisted Furtex with HR services for a number of years now. They assist with HR issues that arise from time to time, including employment agreements, and are always available to help as required with advice. ConsultingHQ provides an honest, proactive sounding board for me and my management team on HR and management issues.”
– Ben Heath, Furtex
“ConsultingHQ has assisted Furtex with HR services for a number of years now. They assist with HR issues that arise from time to time, including employment agreements, and are always available to help as required with advice. ConsultingHQ provides an honest, proactive sounding board for me and my management team on HR and management issues.”
Ben Heath, Furtex