
Providing performance review feedback

Performance reviews should be part of your standard quarterly HR calendar.

Performance reviews should not yield surprises for employees – the review should be a brief, positive meeting with a focus on successes and a discussion about providing resources and tools for future avenues of growth and success for the employee in your business.

Performance Reviews are designed to empower people and find out where they are at with their job and their career

On the occasion where negative feedback must be delivered, it is vital that it be couched as an opportunity for improvement – a performance review is not the forum for performance management.

In planning employee reviews, always start with a positive to ensure that your employee feels it is a safe zone and always solicit employee feedback or input before declaring yours.

Almost always when performance is below par, the employee will declare it – allowing you the opportunity to discuss action plans for improvement.

Have a standard list of points to be discussed and have your notes pre-prepared.
Performance reviews should finish on a positive note, sending a motivated employee back to their workstation.

One of the many good reasons for conducting regular performance reviews is that you are in continual contact with your employees and will catch any areas for improvement – and any employee concerns early

New recruits in your business should have continual performance reviews through the induction period.
It is a mistake to leave employee performance reviews to a time where you have negative feedback to give, or where poor work habits and standards may have crept in.
Employees love to have your ear for a few minutes – it engages them with you and your vision and they will enjoy having allocated time to chat with you about their performance once they are confident it’s a safe place. Making the reviews regular and brief keeps everyone on track and relatively transparent – creating the basis for a climate of continual improvement.
For more about the process of driving business growth through continual performance reviews & performance improvement, please contact the ConsultingHQ team. Insert link to contact page.

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