HR tips for a stress free Christmas closure

HR tips for a stress free Christmas closure



When a public holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, employees who don’t normally work that day then get the following Monday as their paid public holiday — this is called Mondayisation.

National public holidays – 2023/2024

The public holidays for the upcoming Christmas break and for 2024, are as follows:

Christmas Day – Monday 25 December 2023
Boxing Day – Tuesday 26 December 2023
New Year’s Day – Monday 1 January 2024
Day after New Year’s Day – Tuesday 2 January 2024
Waitangi Day – Tuesday 6 February 2024
Good Friday – Friday 29 March 2024
Easter Monday – Monday 1 April 2024
Anzac Day – Thursday 25 April 2024
King’s Birthday – Monday 3 June 2024
Matariki – Friday 28 June 2024
Labour Day – Monday 28 October 2024
Christmas Day – Wednesday 25 December 2024
Boxing Day – Thursday 26 December 2024

Public Holidays and days in lieu

When a public holiday falls on a day your employee would usually work, no matter how long they’ve been working for you they’re entitled to a paid day off. You can only require an employee to work on a public holiday if it’s written into their employment agreement. 

If they agree to work, you must: pay them at least time and a half and give them another paid day off later (a day in lieu).

Transferring public holidays

Any employee can ask to transfer a public holiday to another day and the public holiday then becomes a working day for the employee. To transfer a public holiday to another day, both the employee and employer need to agree. You must consider the request seriously unless you have a policy that prevents transferring public holidays. Ensure you put any agreement to transfer a public holiday in writing.

You can decline requests to transfer public holidays — it’s good to give a reason, although you’re not legally required to.

Annual leave

During the Christmas closedown period the employer can direct employees to take annual leave. This is easy where the employee has enough annual leave to cover the break, so say has worked for over 6 or 12 months. Employees with less than one year of service can be paid 8% of their earnings up to the closedown.

If an employee doesn’t have enough leave, time off during the closedown will be unpaid. Employers can agree (at their discretion) to top-up the payment, which in turn creates a negative leave balance. There are pros and cons to this as it ensures the employee is not out of pocket through this period (which we know can be expensive) but the downside is that if the employee was to leave soon after this period, they may not have a positive leave balance to have paid the money in advance back.

As with any annual leave payment employees can request to have the leave paid out in full, in advance of the closedown. But it is much more common for leave to be paid in the normal pay-cycle.

Communicating expectations – payroll and company property

This time of the year is quite stressful and financially demanding for many people and their families. To help alleviate this stress for your teams here are some simple tips.

  1. Let you team know if you are processing payroll in advance prior to close down and the amount they will be paid, ensure this is communicated (give them all payslips if you don’t normally) well before closedown to ensure no last-minute scrambles to sort any payroll queries / issues on the last day of the year.
  2. If you do decide to keep paying your team as normal, please tell them this, let them know of any extra pay through this period (if any) such as end of year bonuses, discretionary bonuses as these things go a long way and you may forget to mention this in the lead up to the silly season! Plus, I am sure they’d love to thank you in person!
  3. If your team have motor vehicles, fuel cards, mobile and laptops etc which belong to the company, now is the perfect time to send out a memo or discuss individually the expectations around whatever use of these items have been agreed to. If company vehicles are fitted with GPS, remind them of this and fair and reasonable personal use (obviously depending on your company policies). It is much better to have this conversation beforehand than leaving it to fester and then snowball into an HR issue in the new year.
  4. Make a list of what you think could potentially go wrong with any misunderstandings if you are either open or closed during this period. Things such as contact numbers and who is on call, who is out of range, it is better to have a plan now that having the team trying to scramble in an emergency and have no one available.

New Year expectations

It’s important to have a start-up plan that ensures everyone is aware of their priorities and key focus on their return to work. You can also consider extending the first morning break in the new year by 15 minutes to give staff time to catch up and hear each other’s holiday experiences. This will reduce the disruption in the workplace through the rest of the day and coming week.

Contact us for help planning a stress-free Christmas closure with your employees and to tidy up any HR documentation.

Contact us to find out how we can help your business.

HR advice on managing drug and alcohol use

HR advice on managing drug and alcohol use


Drug & alcohol addiction has become a thing for employers to manage

Health & Safety rules nominate employers as being responsible for workplace safety. In some instances, employers are saving employees from themselves.

Even in the instance where an employee completely disregards safety rules in the workplace – and is injured, the employer is still deemed responsible.

So, how do we manage employees under the influence of drugs and alcohol

Most of the drugs are proven to remain in the body long after the ‘night before’, so this is an issue impacting directly on employee performance.

Cannabis for example (THC being a lipid-soluble drug) is detectable in body fluids up to a month after consumption. Even for occasional users, marijuana is detectable in urine for up to three days after consumption. For chronic and heavy users – more than 30 days.

Alcohol – another commonly used ‘drug’ can be detected in the system up to 48 hours after consumption, so for daily drinkers, it’s a daily topping up – and the impairment of judgement could be an ongoing situation. Your risks as the employer, are enormous.

While cannabis and alcohol are causing rising concern, methamphetamine is even more troublesome and is rising in use, despite police efforts to reduce supply. Used medically as a treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity, meth is causing widespread problems in NZ. Meth use affects families and businesses – the impact lasts up to three days after consumption. Weekend consumption extends into weekday performance

For employers of people working with potentially dangerous industrial equipment, this is a difficult and unpredictable situation

While it’s reasonable to dictate that well-paid airline pilots refrain from drugs & alcohol 48 hours before taking a flight, this same rule is hardly reasonable for a CNC operator who works five days each week.

The best solution is to enforce daily drug testing for anyone using potentially dangerous equipment.

How can you manage the effect of drugs and still be a reasonable employer?

The answer here is really in the interviewing process & the scripting of the employment agreement.

All employment agreements should include the option of random and regular drug testing in the workplace, regardless of the employee’s role in the business.

If you enforce this rule – be sure to check a department or entire team rather than singling out one person. Be ready for an outcome that may be more widespread than you expect.

You are required to treat all employees equally. If you are targeting one person for dismissal, in accordance with the terms of the Employment Agreement, you will be required to dismiss any and all others affected by drugs above your deemed acceptable level for their role on the day of testing.

Employers may dictate behaviour in the workplace, but they may not have control of employee personal time

If you are employing a worker who will be in danger using a piece of machinery with impaired judgement, you may need to seek an employee who does not drink or use drugs outside of work. If this is a requirement of the position from a safety point of view, you may include it in your employment agreement.

Employers are advised to seek advice from an HR specialist or employment lawyer (or both) in this situation, to ensure employee rights are not breached and that interview screening questions are non-invasive & reasonable.

Contact us to find out how we can help your business.

Contact us to find out how we can help your business.